logo | RehabLine - Χρονόπουλος-Γουγής-Προσθετικά, Ορθοτικά και Τεχνητά Μέλη, Κηδεμόνες, Κοσμητική σιλικόνης, Αμαξίδια και τροχήλατα βοηθήματα στήριξης, ορθοπεδικά, Κύπρος


Rehabline offers a wide range of wheelchairs, strollers, wheeled standing devices as well as walking aids and orthopedic soles and shoes, covering the majority of needs for patients in all ages.

We represent the biggest and most reliable European firms, such as Otto Bock (Germany), Berollka (Germany) and Surace (Italy), and our products are manufactured adhering to the highest quality standards, fully certified by CE and ISO.